Arnold Schwarzenegger donates $250K to Village for Vets for Tiny Shelter Program
Arnold Schwarzenegger donates $250K for tiny homes to Village for Vets
5 Ways to Give Back to Veterans this #GivingTuesday
We often hear people talk about wanting to do more to support Veterans in Los Angeles, but with so much need, it can often be daunting to know where to start. According to the Los Angeles County Veterans Survey, more thank 325,000 Veterans currently reside in the Greater Los Angeles Area and nearly 4,000 of those are homeless. If you’re looking to get involved in a small but meaningful way, here are a few great places to start!
Village for Vets Provides 25 Tiny Shelters for Homeless Veterans at the West LA VA Campus
25 Completed Shelters placed at the VA’s Care Treatment and Rehabilitative Services (CTRS) Program