Veteran’s Easter Food Drive Serves 300 Vets in Need!
Village for Vets helps the VA put on an Easter celebration for Veterans in need.
Village for Vets, Brentwood School, & The Veteran’s Collective Deliver Welcome Home Kits to Veterans
This month, a team of students, staff, and volunteers from Brentwood School and Village for Vets mounted an effort to assemble 179 welcome home kits for Veterans. These Vets will be moving into permanent supportive housing in buildings 205, 207, & 208 on the West LA VA Campus. Leasing has already begun for building 207 and Veterans are moving in this month.
First Dental Clinic of 2023 Serves More Veterans Than Ever Before
Village for Vets latest dental clinic in partnership with Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry USC wrapped up last week with an incredible 106 Veterans receiving over 200 procedures. The services provided include regular care and deep cleanings, along with root canals, extractions and fillings. It's all provided by dental students and overseen by faculty. Providing a service that is difficult for Veterans to get from the VA is just one way that we fill in gaps in services for Veterans in Los Angeles.
Village for Vets Selected to Receive $65,000 Grant from The Sam Initiative & Hirsch Family Foundation
Village for Vets is honored to be receiving a grant of $65,000 ($15,000 from SAM and $50,000 from the Hirsch Family Foundation). This grant is a collaboration with our own SAM member, Susan Hirsch Wohl, from The Hirsch Family Foundation.
2022 Stand Down Serves more than 500 Veterans in Need at West LA VA
Village for Vets, Brentwood School, and UCLA supported the West LA VA in successfully executing its first large-scale Stand Down since COVID. Delicious Santa Maria BBQ was served to over 400 Veterans while a large contingent of service providers from across the city supported Veteran needs. We are proud to serve those who served all of us!
Village for Vets & Brentwood School Host Veterans Day Event with Special Guest and Co-Sponsor, Arnold Schwarzenegger
Former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger spent the day with veterans at our Veterans Day event! Schwarzenegger hopes this event inspires others to say thank you to vets.
Executive Director, Mary McGuire interviewed for The Takeaway Podcast
We were honored to be asked by The Takeaway to speak about our work to end Veteran homelessness in Los Angeles. Listen to the full interview
Village for Vets on NBC4 Today in LA!
Marking Veterans Day, a Los Angeles-based non-profit organization is teaming up with former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to honor veterans, especially those who are experiencing homelessness.
Village for Vets, which has been providing various free services to unhoused veterans since 2016, is hosting a lunch event. For the second year in a row, Schwarzenegger will join the organization to provide material for building tiny shelters for veterans.