Scott Sale

Board Member

Scott Sale, MD was a practicing internist in St Louis, MO until 1999 when he and his family relocated to LA for his wife’s career. Scott continued to practice medicine in Los Angeles on a part-time basis until 2013. Starting in 2004 he joined the board of New Directions, Inc. a homeless Veterans’ agency. He chaired the board from 2012-2014. In 2008, he started mentoring with Imagine LA and eventually chaired that board as well. Through his work at these 2 organizations and his synagogue, Leo Baeck temple, he became interested in people experiencing homelessness who lived in their vehicles. He founded Safe Parking LA with his Leo Baeck colleagues, Pat and Ira Cohen in Nov 2016 and was the Executive Director until May 2020.

Scott was instrumental in the Opening of the Safe Parking lot on the West LA VA grounds and getting Village for Vets involved in the food services at that site. He has also served as a Neighborhood Councilman for 3 years in The Mid City West area while getting immersed in city politics. Most recently he has been a huge proponent of a modular housing concept, Life Ark.